12 Things Only A Confused Person Can Relate To
Published: Mar 21, 2024

Do simplest things seem complicated to you? Does numerous thoughts flood your head every time when you try to make a decision? Do you feel others people make better choice for you? Then surely you are a confused person. Here are 12 things only a confused person can relate to.

1. Most of your sentences end with question marks?

Source: indiatimes

2. You take hours to dress up because you can’t decide what to wear and what not

Source: tumblr

3. You always let your family, friends, and colleagues to make plans for you

Source: tumblr

4. Because from every day choices to life priorities, making decisions is always hard for you

Source: tumblr

5. Placing order in a restaurant is a big deal for you

Source: tumblr

6. Because it’s almost impossible to choose one thing when you are given lots of options

Source: tumblr

7. You always need someone who can make a decision on your behalf, even if go to the grocery market

Source: tumblr

8. You are mostly inspired by other people’s life and try to follow their footsteps because you never know what you want in life

Source: indiatimes

9. Two words – “What if”, is your biggest nightmare

Source: tumblr

10. Your life’s rhythm revolves around “to do or not to do”

Source: indiatimes

11. You overthink a lot before coming to a conclusion

Source: tumblr

12. You are in love with three words “I don’t know”

Source: glee.wikia