12 Things Only Emotional People Can Relate to
Published: Feb 9, 2025
Do you cry when you are sad? Or when you are happy? Angry? And when you are confused or stressed? In short if you cry all the time then you are surely an emotional person. Here are 12 things you can relate to if you are emotional person
1. All of your friends call you “watering pot” or “Roti shakal”
2. For you, it’s extremely hard to say ‘Goodbye’ to your love ones
3. Even “welcoming” people bring tears to your eyes
Tears of joy!
4. Every time you receive a gift you get emotional
5. Sometime you just start crying for no reason
6. Whether you are right or wrong, all of your fights end with tears
7. You can’t watch any movie without a box of tissues
8. Even you emotionally get attached to a character in a book or TV series
9. Weddings make you emotional
10. A simple hug sometimes makes you emotional
11. Even if you are angry, tears rolls down from your eyes
12. In short, for you all of your emotions are directly proportional to all of your feelings
Emotions = happy, sad, confused, stressed, depressed, angry etc.