12 Things You Can Relate To If You Love Cracking Jokes
Published: Mar 3, 2025

“A sense of humor… is needed armor. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life”. Hugh Sidey

A good sense of humor reduces stress, pain and improves your mood. So if you can make people laugh within no time then you are truly blessed. Here are 12 things you can relate to if you love cracking jokes.

1. Your friends often refer you as the “joker”

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2. You never miss any chance of cracking jokes

Source: memesvault

3. Because you have a joke for everything

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4. Even you can crack a joke on extremely serious situations

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5. You can easily make you friends laugh for hours


6. You have a vast category of jokes, which include good, bad, cheap and some insensitive jokes too

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7. People judge you if you are serious

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8. Sometimes your jokes doesn’t make any sense at all, but still you friends end up laughing

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9. Some of your wrong jokes have led to awkward situations

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10. People think you are the most creative people in the world who can make people laugh effortlessly

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11. You are familiar with receiving blank stares and weird looks as the result of your jokes


12. And you are only surprised when someone else humor makes you crack

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