12 Things You Can Relate To If You Work Part-time While In University
Published: Nov 6, 2024

What was it like for you when you were in college? Did you ever think, “Hey, I should start working and saving while I’m still studying at college?” It may sound like such a brilliant idea in that moment of your life but only time will tell if it was a bright idea or not.

Here are 11 things you would relate to if you worked part-time while in college/university

1. You are always rushing to get somewhere on time.

Source: Tumblr

2. You miss out on more events than you think

Class in the morning, work in the evening, there is zero time for anything.

Source: Giphy

3. You have to adjust your school schedule according to your work schedule because the organisation generally doesn’t care if you fail your classes

This is your boss’s face:

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

4. Asking for a day-off is a pain. You have to explain every damn time that you need to study in order to pass a test


5. You get a measly salary because you are still an ‘undergrad’


6. People, especially your boss, will treat you like crap at most times because apparently you ‘don’t know anything’.

Source: Tumblr

7. And you can forget saving because half your money will go into bills, transport and other stuff.

8. And you can forget about being paid overtime.

9. There will be times when you want to quit everything all together because of the stress.


10. And you often wonder:


11. You purposefully look for a silver lining like: “I’ll have an edge when I go looking for a real job!”


12. In the meantime, you sulk, brood and whine all the while you’re working at your current job.

Source: Tumblr

For all college/university students who are also working, hats off to you!