12 Things You Think About On Payday
Published: Feb 28, 2025

Isn’t it the most amazing feeling to wake up to a text message that says your salary has been debited to your account? Isn’t that day the sweetest day of the month? Of course it is! We start planning and thinking about all the things we can do with this gift of lord – The Salary!

Here are 12 thoughts you have on payday:

1. It’s finally here! It’s in my account! It’s mine!

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

2. I am still in denial it feels like it has been a century since I actually held you in my hands Oh Sweet Money!

Source: Tumblr

3. I think I should go shopping

Source: Tumblr

4. Maybe I should buy that latest model phone, this one is too old

Source: Giphy

Source: Giphy

5. Speaking of shoes, I need new shoes, Ok I bought two pairs last month, but still life is too short for regrets


6. Why should I stay away from things that breath life in me?

Soure: Giphy
Soure: Giphy

7. Okay, I need to save, I am an adult, adults bargain with life all the time, I can totally do this.

Source: Giphy

8. Oh No Wait! What? Did I spend most of my pay already?

Source: howtoruintoddlersday
Source: howtoruintoddlersday

9. Noo, I need help, this is depressing.

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy


10. OK I need to stop shopping, I need to save, I need to test my abilities, yes yes its possible!

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy


11. I will pay my phone bill tomorrow, I can do this, its the right decision, I’ve accepted to live this way.

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

12. I am such a mature adult, my parents will be so proud of me. Or at least that’s the hope!

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

Tell us all about the thoughts you get at payday in the comments section below.