Having a bad hand writing is horrible. It’s not your fault that you have bad handwriting, it’s just something that happened and stuck around. If you’re one of those people who have bad handwriting then you can probably relate to these points.
1. You were ALWAYS told to improve your hand writing
Even though you have been trying
2. Your parents bought you books that were supposed to improve your writing
God, I hated these… and they didn’t help.
3. People bought you those pencil grips thinking they would help
How are these supposed to help?
Source: ebay.co.uk
4. You were told to practice, practice, practice… constantly
5. Your bad hand writing was one of the reasons you got bad marks… your teacher hated you for it…
6. All your teachers complained about your handwriting
7. You couldn’t understand your own writing at times
Ummmm I think those are my science notes… or it could be my English essay.
8. Your hand writing was so bad that people recognised your work because of it
9. A lot of people suggested you become a doctor because of your handwriting
10. Writing a letter to someone was useless because they had no idea what you wrote
11. Most people thought they could fix your handwriting by changing the way you hold the pen
You tried them all and it never helped.