Friends come in all shapes and sizes some you love, some you treasure and then there are those friends who you want to punch in the face. They’re over all good people but there are certain aspects about them that make you want to punch them in the face.
Here are some friends who you’d love to punch in the face:
1. The world traveller
This guy has been everywhere you want to go, like EVERYWHERE, he’s been to Amsterdam, Disney land and freaking gone on 30 Euro trips.
2. The fit person who complains about getting fat
Look you’re not fat and you aren’t getting fat. We know you’re just fishing for compliments, please stop.
3. The one who thinks they’re smart because they got educated from a fancy school
You’re not impressing everyone with your rich vocabulary, you come off as an ass.
4. The guy who keeps getting promoted at work
He complains about his job but keeps getting promoted. What really sucks is that he doesn’t realise his tax cut is how much you earn.
5. The girl who can’t stop talking about her boyfriend
Look we get it, you have a boyfriend and you’re happy and you both are happy but we all really couldn’t care less.
6. The one who goes around telling everyone your secrets
Look dude I told you something in confidence you aren’t supposed to go tell everyone something I told you in confidence…Gaaaah idiot!
7. The guy who complains about being broke but buys a new phone the next day
How… What….Ugh never mind.
8. The road-rager
The road-rager is a normal person, he’s your every day guy with no hang ups. Except when he gets behind the wheel he is a legit mad man.
9. The girl who flirts with every guy and then complains when they flirt back
It’s not them, it’s you
10. The snap chatter
They’re addicted/obsessed with snap chat. They have to snap-chat EVERYTHING. The worst is when they include you in their snaps without you knowing.
11. The EEEEE girl
She’s over enthusiastic about EVERYTHING from food, to friend even clothes. Every third or fourth word out of her is ‘EEEEEEEE’/’OHMAGAWD’/’YAAAAY’
12. The person who overshares on Facebook
Be it about their significant other/ Problems at work/ There new found love for religion, whatever it may be they just over do it with the sharing. It’s Facebook not your personal diary