12 Types Of People On Every Group Chat!
Published: Jan 25, 2025

Everyone’s a part of a group chat on Facebook and/or Whatsapp - Family group, friends’ group, office group, university group. Different people behave differently on these group chat. Here’s a list of the types of people you on a group chat:

1. The one who makes the group


2. The one who keeps changing the name of the group according to every occasion

Source: Giphy

3. The one who replies to every message even if it’s not meant for them

Souce: Tumblr

4. The emoji and sticker lover!

Souce: Tumblr

5. The one who is excited about everything but doesn’t know what’s exactly going on

Souce: Tumblr

6. The plan maker

Source: Pinterest

7. The one who spoils every plan

Source: Tumblr

8. The one who messages without reading previous conversation

Source: Tumblr

9. The one who starts a personal conversation with someone on a group chat

Source: Giphy

10. The one who never reads any messages

Source: Giphy

11. The silent observer who doesn’t reply but knows everything that’s been going on

Source: Giphy

12. The one who always leaves the group chat

Source: Gifsec