Exercising not only improves you physically, it also have some mental health benefits too. Even exercising for half an hour everyday will have wonderful benefits not only your looks but your mental health too.
Benefits such as
1. Stress relief
One of the most common mental health benefits of exercise is stress relief. Exercise increases norepinephrine a chemical that moderates the brains response to stress.
2. Reduces anxiety
Yes, exercising has a long lasting effect against anxiety, all types of exercises reduces anxiety but high intensity exercises have the best effect.
3. Sharper memory
Regular exercise boosts your memory and ability to learn new things, working out increases the production of cells in the hippocampus which is responsible for memory and learning.
4. Improved circulation
Exercising increases blood flow and oxygen in the body, exercises which increases the heart rate helps pump more oxygen and glucose to the brain.
5. Improves your mood
Exercise will raise your energy levels, reduce tension and boost your mood! Exercise will literally make you a happier person.
6. Fights depression
The same way exercise fights anxiety it fights depression, it won’t cure you of depression but will help you fight it.
7. Better self confidence
Exercise can and does make people feel good about themselves, exercise can elevate a persons self worth and attractiveness.
8. Control addiction
Exercise releases dopamine which is a happy chemical, people addicted to finding the happy chemical through drugs, sex or alcohol can also find it in exercise.
9. Fights schizophrenia
There is evidence that exercise can help fight schizophrenia
10. Better sleep
It’s not because exercise makes you tired and you sleep better but it’s actually that long term exercise helps people get better sleep than those who don’t exercise.
11. prevents migraines
Exercise actually prevents migraines.
12. Increases creativity
A good gym session can boost creativity for two hours afterwards.