If you want to be more liked by people at your work place, school or generally anywhere you meet people you should use these tips.
1. Smile when speaking
When you speak to someone with a smile they lower their guard around you, are more open to you. You also come off as more friendlier too.
2. Put your phone away when speaking to someone
If you’re speaking to someone or having a conversation with someone and they’re on their phone while speaking to you how would you feel? Not nice! Put your phone away and give whoever you’re speaking to a 100% of your attention
3. Be yourself
Be who you are, likable people go everywhere with confidence and every interaction starts with them thinking “I could be good friends with this person”. Fake it till you make it
4. Ask questions
If you’re asking someone questions whatever those questions may be it shows that you’re listening. Everyone likes a good listener or to have someone listen to them.
5. Build others up
When someone achieves something congratulate them, if they fail encourage them to tray again. It’s easy to make fun of people but it takes a special person to encourage people.
6. Be consistent
No one wants to guess how you’re going to greet them. If you want to be likable don’t let your bad mood affect the way you treat others. It’s normal to be angry and upset but don’t take it out on others.
7. Be open minded
Be open to new ideas and thoughts. Just because something has been working one way doesn’t mean another way couldn’t be better.
8. Don’t judge others
You do not know the problems another person could be going through or what circumstances led them to be the way they are. Be kind and don’t judge others.
9. Do one good deed a day
You’ll feel like a better person and it will show, and who knows that one deed a day might turn into two, or three or maybe more.
10. Find a lesson from failure
Don’t brood over something you lost or failed at, instead look at what went wrong and how you can improve yourself to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
11. Remember peoples names
Saying someones name gives them validation and also makes them happy that you remembered their name. A persons name is a big part of their identity and calling them by their name instead of ‘bro’ ‘drude’ or ‘yaar’ will make you likable.
12. Laugh at yourself
No one likes the person no one can make fun of, be fun open minded and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. Life is too short to be taken seriously.
Use these tips and hopefully you’ll be more likable and popular wherever you go.