Headaches are something everyone faces. It could be caused by your significant other (lol) or by other problems such as stress, tension, restlessness, lack of sleep and even dehydration. Most people resort to medicines to get rid of the pain. Instead of that, use these home remedies to get rid of the pain:
1. Water
Dehydration causes headaches simply drinking a glass of water when you feel a headache coming can help ease the pain.
2. Ice
Putting an ice pack on your forehead will help numb the pain, it will also shrink blood vessels and improve circulation in that area
3. Almonds
Almonds can act as pain-relievers because they contain salicin which fights headaches.
4. Massages
Getting regular head massages have been shown to reduce migraine attacks and help people get better sleep. Massaging the temple, neck, back and shoulders usually helps.
5. Yoga
Yoga has many health benefits, one of them being reducing headaches and migraines. By focusing on your breathing and posture you will focus your mind and stretching your muscles will make you lose tension in your neck and back area.
6. Fish oil
Fish oil reduces migraine and headaches thanks to Omega 3 fattyacids which promote heart health and blood circulation.
7. Lemon Water
Drinking hot water with lemon will reduce the intensity of your headaches.
8. Ginger tea
Ginger can help with many things such as joint pain and nausea but ginger tea also helps reduce headaches and soothe migraines.
9. Paan
Yes! Betel leaves, locally known as Paan, has many cooling properties and can relieve headaches within minutes.
10. Accupressure
Massaging the area between your thumb and forefinger has been known to relieve headaches.
11. Loong
Smelling cloves can ease headaches and they also have other pain relieving properties.
12. Sexual intercourse
Yes! Indulging in sexual intercourse releases endorphins which is your body’s natural pain killer. Also you probably aren’t thinking about the headache when you’re doing it.