12 Ways To Look Busy At Work When You Don’t Want To Do Anything
Published: Aug 2, 2024

There are some days when you don’t feel like working at the office. Days when you have to go because you don’t want your pay cut. You go but you just don’t want to do any work.

Here are 12 ways where you can look busy at work without doing any work:

1. Have a lot of paper on your desk

It makes you look like you’ve been working a lot and are busy because you have so many papers on your desk

2. Eat lunch at your desk

It’ll look like you’re working while eating but you’re actually just chilling ;)

3. Walk around the office really fast

You’ll seem like someone who has somewhere to be. You could just be walking to the washroom, or out side for a smoke break.


4. Send a late night email

It’ll make you look like you’ve been up all night working when you’ve actually been partying all night XD

5. Sigh a lot at your desk

When someone asks whats wrong? just say “Work man”


6. Carry a note book

Write in it from time to time to look professional

7. Open up word and just start typing

It doesn’t even have to be coherent just write what you’re thinking


8. Don’t smile

Busy people aren’t happy. No smiling!

9. Wear Headphones

You’ll look like you’re concentrating but you’re just listening to Cheap Thrils by Sia


10. Go out for meetings

Claim to go out for meetings but just go to your friends house or to the movies

11. Massage your temples

You’ll seem stressed because jeez there’s so much work how can you not be? ;)

12. Keep talking about how much work you have

They’ll automatically assume you do. But we know you don’t ;)