Being in the bhai zone sucks, the only thing worse that being in the bhai zone is….. well being in the bhai zone.
Here are some sure ways to never be in the bhai zone.
1. Make your intentions clear
You can’t blame someone for not knowing that you’re interested in them without telling them. Be clear about what you want out of this relationship
2. Don’t over do the nice guy routine
You don’t need to help her out with everything, and do everything she wants. No one wants to date a push over. No, you’re not being nice you’re being a push over.
3. Make her feel that she might lose you instead of the other way around
If she knows you’ll come to her whenever you call her she will take you for granted, make her value you.
4. Learn to say no!
She wants to do something you don’t. Say no! It’s for the best.
5. Don’t be needy
In other words don’t be desperate, even though you really are. Being desperate is not attractive.
6. Don’t let her vent to you about all her guy problems
If she’s doing this she see’s you as a girlfriend/therapist and not boyfriend material.
7. Be unpredictable
Do something exciting with her don’t show up at her hours at 3 in the morning but show her different sides to you.
8. Be memorable
Leave a lasting impression on her, make her remember you. Stand out from the crowd.
9. Touch her
Don’t grope her. Touch her and see her reaction, if she’s comfortable she won’t move away and will reciprocate. If she freaks out and calls her friends because you touched her chances are she doesn’t like you… or ever will.
10. Ask her out on a date
What’s the worst that could happen, she could say no. Or worse she could say yes and you find out that you don’t like her or you guys just don’t get along.
11. Don’t be afraid of rejection
It’s not the worst thing that could happen. You’ll honestly find out if she likes you or not. If she doesn’t then don’t worry there are plenty of fish in the sea.
12. Learn when to let go
Some girls will make you feel like she’s interested in you but she’s just stringing you along because she likes the attention and doesn’t want to date you. That’s a bad friend you shouldn’t be friends with them.
Good luck not being a bhai!