Do you know majority of people you meet in your life are big fat liars? In June 2002, a study was conducted by University of Massachusetts Amherst psychologist Robert S. Feldman, he found that 60% of people lied during a 10-minute conversation, and they told an average of two to three lies in that time.
Here are 12 simple ways to catch a liar:
1. They change their head position rapidly
When you ask someone a direct question and they rapidly make a head movement, they may be lying to you about something.
2. Their breathing changes suddenly
When someone is lying to you, they start breathing heavily.
3. They will clear their throat more than once
Hesitation, pausing and clearing throat indicates that a person is lying to you.
4. They will touch or cover their vulnerable body parts
This includes areas of palm, neck, throat, head or abdomen.
5. They will either stare at you or they will try to avoid eye contact
If a person is lying to you, then they will stare at you to judge you or they will avoid eye contact.
6. They will stand still
This is a very common warning that there is something fishy; if someone is lying to you they will stand very still.
7. They use similar words and phrases again and again
A liar will use similar words and phrases in their conversation, this happens because they are trying to convince you about a specific thing.
8. They will provide extra information or details
Lairs talk a lot. They will try to give you unnecessary and unwanted details.
9. They try to defend themselves
They will answer questions not even asked and try to defend themselves.
10. They will try to shuffle their feet
This is the most important way to identify the liar, keep an eye on their feet they can tell a lot.
11. They sweat
If someone is lying to you, they will start sweating automatically.
12. They will try to sell trust by their fake smile
If someone is lying to you, they will try to sell trust by their fake smile again and again.