13 Bizarre Jobs That You Would Totally Want To Try Out
Published: Aug 11, 2024

As kids we used to dream of becoming so many things, and our choice of profession was generally influenced by the respect that it had in public eyes, and of course, our interest in the profession and the money factor have always been important.

But, that is not the story of all of us. The world is bizarre but what is even more shocking is the fact that some people earn their living by indulging in bizarreness. In simpler words, there are certain jobs in the world that you would not believe are for real!

1. Professional Pet Food taster



Yes, the gross factor is too high, but for the manufacturers, it is important to ensure that the product that goes out is of a premium quality. And how do you guarantee that? By hiring a professional dog food tester. Before tasting the food, the tester begins his job by smelling the food. The purpose is to make sure that all the ingredients in the food are well-balanced.

Pet food testing, as it goes unsaid, is a real stomach turner but the testers seem to enjoy their work, and chiefly because it is a high paying job!

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2. A Page Turner



No matter how dumb it may seem to you, in reality, it is rather an important job. Musicians who play complex music can’t really spare a hand to turn the page. And here comes the role of a page turner! A page turner has to be really quick and is required to be completely unobtrusive while doing his job.

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3. Odour tester



Okay, it might not be one of the most fanciest of jobs out there or maybe even close to that, but we can’t offend people who do this, can we? It is about personal choice and of course, the fact that this is quite an adventurous job. And honestly speaking, it is kind of an important job and we can’t thank the professional sniffers enough. A couple of specific areas in odour testing field include:

An armpit sniffer- They work for deodorant companies and smell armpits to determine the effectiveness of deodorants and if they can control the stink of sweat.

A bad-breath sniffer- To detect for sulphides that develop as a result of dental problems. Mouthwash companies also employ breath sniffers to test the effectiveness of their product.

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4. Face Feeler



Face feeler verifies the effect of the skin products. He goes around feeling the beautiful faces of test models and gives the judgement. This is a tricky business, though. Because if a feeler is a ‘feeler’ otherwise also, he can take his own sweet time in feeling the model’s face. And no one would question it!

All jokes apart, this too is a serious business. Face feelers are technically called sensory scientists and they test anything ranging from the effect of a beauty cream to that of a razor on human skin.

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5. Golf Ball Divers



It is exactly how the name says. They make living out of diving in ponds to retrieve the golf balls that land in the bottom of the water surface. Their importance is immense in the business and moreover, their job is quite dangerous.

In most places, there is almost negligible visibility underwater. Furthermore, there is always a threat of poisonous snakes and other venomous aquatic animals. Some are even required to fish out the balls from depths of gators!

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6. Chicken Sexer


No, it is not what you think it is. But in the fauna world, it is even brutal. A job of a chicken sexer requires him to separate hens from the cocks. Hens are used for egg production so they are made to stay whereas most of the male chickens are sent to be killed!

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7. Fish Counter



This one will make you learn a lot about the vast marine life. A job description of a fish counter involves identifying various species fish and counting them.

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8. Water Slide Tester- The Best Job In The World



Now, this might be weird in the world of serious professionals, but for the rest of us, it is the most fun way in the history to get paid! And not just for the sliding part of it, but because in order to do that you get to travel to so many international amusement parks. The job of a slider is to swoosh down while judging the slide for two specific factors, a) Biggest splash, and b) Adrenalin factor

And the best part? It is a high paying hob with some withdrawing a salary of 20,000 pounds a year. Which, in INR amounts to a little over 19 Lakhs! Folks in IT companies, don’t you feel a little bit foolish now?

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9. Toques- Electric Shock Givers



This is quite a thing in Mexico. In the vicinity of bars and clubs in Mexico, some men carry around boxes that give people electric shocks. Depending on certain factors, shocks can cost anywhere between $2 and $4. What is even weirder than this job is the response of public who allow themselves to get electrocuted.

Some say that it sobers them while some others say it gives their high more air!

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10. People pushers (Oshiya)


One of the best areas to get the feels of exploding population in India are the railway stations. Trains have people perched on top, hanging to the engine, to windows, and whichever edge that they can find unoccupied.

But in Japan, there are people pushers especially hired to stuff as many people as possible in the already jam-packed trains!

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11. Panda Handler (more like Panda Fluffer)



Among other tasks, their to-do list also includes helping the cute bears to reach sexual arousal. Yes, you heard that right. Pandas, by nature, are considered too lazy and unwilling to mate. And so, the handlers turn into fluffers and show them panda porn so that the bears can feel the heat. They also, give them viagra so that the instant results can occur.

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12. Ostrich babysitter



While for human babies, the job description of a babysitter includes a lot of tasks. But for the ostrich babysitters, it is all about making sure that the babies don’t fight. If you are thinking it is useless, then no. It is quite challenging to stop the rebellious ones from spreading trouble.

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13. Worm Picker



They work relentlessly on night shifts by visiting warm colonies and locking the creepy tiny monsters in the jars. The collected worms are sold to fishermen all around the world.

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So yes, the world is full of opportunities, no matter what kind. And it is great that some people actually do these jobs because if they did not, imagine what the repercussions would be like?

The original version of this post can be found here.