Introverts are the most misunderstood bunch of people. They are different from extroverts but that doesn’t mean they are completely opposite. Here’s a list of misconceptions about introverts that need to to stop immediately.
Misconception #1: They are shy.
Being introverted and shy are two completely different things. Not every introvert is shy and vice versa.
Misconception #2: They don’t like to talk.
They don’t like small-talk because it is a waste of time. They believe in real conversation.
Misconception #3: They don’t like going out in public.
They enjoy going to parties as long as they are surrounded by close friends and loved ones.
Misconception #4: They always love to be alone.
They do enjoy being on their own but they also crave for human interaction.
Misconception #5: They don’t make good public speakers.
Introverts become great public speakers because they know how to put their thoughts together and they practice their speech.
Misconception #6: They don’t know how to have fun.
Just because their definition of “having fun” is different from yours doesn’t mean the are having fun.
Misconception #7: They are anti-social.
They prefer to spend time socializing in their inner circle of friends. This doesn’t mean they are anti-social.
Misconception #8: They are boring.
Let them be in their comfort zone and see how much fun they are.
Misconception #9: They do not make good leaders.
They can be great leaders because they are amazing listeners.
Misconception #10: They are self absorbed.
They keep to themselves and that doesn’t make them self-absorbed. They would do anything for the people they love.
Misconception #11: They are rude.
Introverts do not show a lot of emotions and that’s why are misunderstood to be rude.
Misconception #12: They don’t like people.
They take time to let someone become an important part of their lives. Once you are in, they will never let you down.
Misconception #13: Introverts can become extroverts.
No, they can’t “fix” themselves because there is nothing to fix. They are who they are and they can’t and don’t have to be an extrovert.