13 Reasons It’s Awesome To Have A Cousin Your Age

Cousins are your best relatives and awesome friends! There’s nothing better than having a cousin your age:
1. You two have grown up together.
2. Most people think you are siblings instead of cousins.
3. You guys are always together and do everything together.
4. You can easily borrow their clothes and everything else that you like.
5. You even share the same friends.
6. You have talked about your weird relatives and your melodramatic family.
7. Family gatherings are never boring.
8. Sleepover at their place is not a problem at all!
9. Your parents do not question any hangouts as long as they are a part of it.
10. Both of you cover for each other when your parents are angry.
11. They are simply your ultimate go-to person.
12. They know all your secrets!