13 Reasons Why We Love Being The Eldest Sibling
Published: Oct 10, 2024
You have read the reasons why younger siblings can get away with murder, and how being the middle child is cool or how being the only child is the best. But do you know what, there is nothing better than being the eldest sibling of the family. Here are 13 reasons why being the eldest sibling rocks.
1. You are the one who gets more attention and love of your entire family
2. You are the lucky one to get to choose his/her own room first
3. You are not expected to follow in anyone’s footsteps
4. You are the one who gets to know all the big secrets
5. Your advice and/or opinion ALWAYS matters
6. In the eyes of parents, you are the only responsible one
7. And you will always be used as an example for your siblings
8. You get everything you want, literally EVERYTHING
9. You can easily mess around with your siblings and get away with it
10. You can boss them around like they are your little minions and blame it right back on them if they tell on you!
11. You get to experience all sorts of amazing life events before your siblings do
12. You get a brand new wardrobe every time you need it while your siblings get your hand-me-downs
13. You are #1 and so the only thing left to say is, second-best just isn’t the best!
I love being the eldest sibling.
12 Struggles Only Elder Sibling Can Relate To | WebChutney said | […] may seem as if there is nothing better than being the elder sibling . But unfortunately… you should know that being an elder sibling comes with a lot of […] |
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