Everyone’s been talking about dating Sindhis and Punjabis, which may be exciting and all, but it is time we introduce our audience to the real romantics in Pakistan. They say if they love you, they will kill for you, but if they hate you they will kill you. Known for their love stories and dil-phaink attitude, these guys are the most exciting dating(/life) partners you could ever have. Brace yourselves, boys and girls, because Pakhtuns are very hard to resist and here are 13 reasons why:
1. They don’t play mind-games and will call a spade a spade.
There’s no beating about the bush with your Pakhtun partner. S/he will give you the uncensored version in your relationship every time - literally no filter! Upfront, and sometimes blunt, these guys know how nurture an honest-to-goodness relationship without any strings attached.

2. Passionate about life, love, traditions, culture, values and YOU!
P is for passion, P is for Pakhtun. Whether it’s about love or war, they are passionate about everything they set their hearts to. So if they set their heart’s set on you - you are one lucky person!

3. The greatest thing about being part of his/her family is that you will have family that will be willing to walk on fire to keep you safe!
But if they don’t like you - God help you. The generosity, inclusiveness and hospitality that a Pakhtun family shows is humbling. And if they feel the smallest sense of gratitude towards you, they will open up their houses and their hearts to repay you for your kindness. The most unpretentious household you will ever be lucky to be a part of. And they love kids - lots of them. Like lots.

Bonus: Once you are part of the family, the support and love will extend to you unprejudiced.

4. They take pride in their culture, tradition and language.
If you go to a Pakhtun and try speaking in Pashto, even if your attempt is really bad, they will consider you one of their own. Now imagine the pride (and sometimes arrogance) in a Pakhtun who teaches you a few words and you say them back correctly - they will love you to the moon and back! No matter where they go they will take their heritage with them. This is what always keeps them grounded.
5. They love you even when they are mad.
When these guys get angry, they get REALLY angry! In short:
But - they also melt like chocolate every time they see your puppy-dog eyes.
And you may have just had an argument with them but she will still bring you chai and he’s still going to walk you home safely.

Bonus: It’s really easy to make it up to them. They are softies on the inside.

6. They have the cutest shy side you can ever imagine. AND they blush!

They may not express themselves very often but when they do they go all out! Once you’ve made them comfortable enough around you, and they’re not shy anymore, they become the life of your personal party! It’s hilarious - really!

7. They are very respectful
If you happen to be dating a Pakhtun, the one thing you should be sure of is how they behave with other people - especially your parents. There is no person that would pay higher regard to an adult or an elderly person more than a Pakhtun. And with their storytelling skills, they can keep your grandparents happily entertained for hours too! They are very respectful and will make sure to leave you staring at them in awe and pride.

8. Chivalry isn’t in their blood, they invented it.
Like mentioned earlier, they’ve fought battles for love. The Pashto language documents poetry and ballads that could make the most resolute people blush. Honestly, this GIF is exactly how a Pakhtun makes you feel… sigh. Such romantics!

9. Charm drips from their presence…
Literally. These guys could charm a pole. Pashto poetry and their dramatic narrations, storytelling is part of their blood and they know how to keep your heart beating to the tone of their voice. You will not mind listening to them read to you for hours and the best part is, you will always feel like you have learnt something extremely valuable after one heart-to-heart conversation with them. They can keep you entertained for a lifetime so long as you are willing to listen, learn and be charmed!
And you think,

10. They are very strong emotionally
You know they will be there to catch you when you fall. They know when you need a shoulder and when you need some space. They know just what to say or do at just the right time. <3

11. They are like little kids when they want to be and will throw tantrums about everything - and still manage to look cute enough to melt your heart.
12. But can be extremely protective of you at the same time, and make sure no one messes with you. Ever
13. They are very very very attractive.
There is literally no comparison. None. Pakhtuns are really really hot. Walk into a fashion show and people will turn to find out if your beau is a model or not! And the best part is…
They know they’re hot too, and

We know they’re hot too!!

Abbas said | Thank you for your Kind words for a race so hated by other Pakistani's ! Now I can proudly move mountains for you in return of your kind words ! |
Shahxeb said | Wow can't wait to share hats off boss. |
13 reasons why you won’t be able to resist dating a Pakhtun said | […] Originally published on Webchutney […] |
13 reasons why you won’t be able to resist dating a Pakhtun said | […] [published on tribalpost & webchutney] […] |
Zakia said | GOD who has written these alllll? they are so true about Pashtuns love it!!!!!!! |
Eemaan said | What a load of bullshit. |
M said | Think this list wins. |
Rebellious Khan said | Oh God i am feeling it.... proud Pukhtoon.... |
Muhammad Junaid Mandoori said | This is what the emotion of a pukhtoon is purely explain, thanks to the writer for this outstanding piece, cant stop my self to share it.....!! Respect and love <3 |
Daud Nadeeem said | Delete this load of bull-shit. You don't know anything about us pukhtoons. |
Mansoor Iqbal said | @Abbas. My brother all Pakistani ethnicites LOVE their Pushtoon brother! As a Punjabi i salute the bravery and kind heartedness of my Pushtoon brothers. Arguably the most handsome race in the SubContinent. |
Zawar said | Not any more,,,! They are kinda materialistic people |
Saad Ali Adv said | Thankyou very much for the kind words you used for us Pakhtoons. Good and bad people are everywhere and are in every race. For those who are not having soft spot for us Pakhtoons must have bad experience with Pakhtoons and I am sorry for that. And I hope you meet real good Pakhtoon to broaden your mind. Thanks again to the author |
Asim said | We dont need any admiration,thanks We are nature people,nt artificial |
Iftikhar Alam said | I don't Know that this is true about Pukhtoons or not? But its True that Pukhtoon Hate each other can't b unite. |
Faizoo said | Everyone praising and finding logic in all this bullshit is pukhtoon him/herself............ self praise :P |
Khubaib khan said | Thnx alo...............ot for alll this <3 |
Engr wadood said | Proud to be pakhtun being handsome race in Pakistan. ☺☺ |
Sacha Khocha said | Bhai aap hama asli photu b lga sakta tha..pakhtun ka.. |
Fatimay said | Hahahahahha THEY ARE SO TRUE!! EVERYTHING!! (sorry for shouting) lol I am not saying they date or not, it is up to each individual but these points about pushtoons are SO true. |
Faix said | Attock patanz have the most honour |
Faix said | This is bullshit. I am from attock pakistan. We dont date skets. We marry strangers. This is full on insulting |
Baber khan hoti said | Thank you so much.... reality 100% |
Kakar said | I hate it when they say oppar say hum bhie PATHAN tay , and there are so many pathans :D |
Malalai said | Pukhtoons will never be Pakistani. They will always and forever be Afghan. Everyone knows this, despite those who are trying to change it. And that is why they are discriminated and hated so much by the Pakistani government and people. |
Sikander said | The most deluded, juice less people and a community full of goofs......each time you talk to them, they'll talk abt them...:P Pathetic ....They need to grow up little and start looking at their men and women closely who aint attractive when no imran khan and Madhu Bala are in mind ... |
Awan said | :P Mind you, the widely accepted standards all over the world for cool men are 'tall , dark and handsome' and unfortunately pathans have 'pale white complexion', below avg. heights and non sense deluded attitude. Men with such creamy complexion are ughhhh. On other hand, punjabi boys are far far better than them, height wise, looks wise and above all they are not cheap and stupid. Niazi men (Siraiki belt) from Mianwali are well build and good looking men.....otherwise rest of them are bunch of deluded people praising them selves all the time each minute. Plz grow up and come out of your well to see how funny you sound when you dont see comparisons beyond your imaginations |
Mahwish said | Pathans??? yukhhhh... they have absolutely feminine complexions and faces ... khuda ka khof karo. |
Saeed said | The WRITER is 'PATHAN' the STUFF is about 'PATHANS' the commenters are 'PATHANS' Good...keep it up :P, thats what you do at your best even in daily life |
Farhan said | All this is so not true. I had been in a relationship for 2.5 years and they r the biggest bull shitters and completely opposite of everypoint u have wrote except they being hot. They use their hotness to exploit u and ruine you financial and even then tear ur heart apart miserably. The most unsincere and cunning personality ever and they dont have self concious at all |
Manu said | The hate Pakhtuns receive especially from inferiority complexed punjabis and Karachi muhajirs is disgusting. Envy can be a terrible thing and that is what the state of Pakistan has against the Pakhtuns, who are a truly noble and generous people. I have had interactions with many at university in the US and compared to other Pakistanis, they truly were more pleasant to talk to and had less hangups. I look forward to the day when Kashmir, Pakhtunistan, and Baluchistan is free from the oppressive rule of Pakistan. Carry on my friends. |
Asad said | Now a punjabis will talk about pashtuns, you punjabis should look at yourselves, as we have ruled you, We fought against mughals, the mughals were originally turks, so turks ruled you people, but those people could not rule pashtuns, Ahmad shah abdali, ibrahim lodhi,Mohammad Ghori,Muhammad Khilji,Jalaluddin Khilji ,Behlol Lodhi, Sikandar Lodi all pashtuns/afghans, even your saints/sufiz are aghan pashtuns, like Daata Ganj Bakhsh was afghan, bayazid ansari, pir roshan, shalbandi, we kicked british, we kicked russia, and again we are kicking america, what have you people done, who ever came to india ruled you, you were slaves. Search and Learn. |
Ahmadyarkhan said | Well, being a pathan i would like to add some points, that beside feminine complexion, goof attitude, The whole world are proud of our braveness, hospitality, traditions, culture.. I wanted you all to be united! Gheebat aur aik dusray k baray mai bolnay sai kuch nai milayga! Keep calm and respect. |
Ammar Khan said | Someone commented that Pakhtuns are hated in Pakistan, that is a load of crap. Pakhtuns are proud member of the Pakistan clan. |
Shaffin Rao said | And also the biggest hypocrites! The guys will date as many girls as they want and raise hell if their sister dates someone! Please tell me I'm wrong xD |
Shaffin Rao said | Not to mention the biggest hypocrites! The guys will date as many girls as they want but raise hell if their sister dates someone! Please tell me I'm wrong xD |
Sadia khan said | Its just an opinion not so true. what about killing of own family for girl or money. Pashtun can do anything for girl or money |
Imran hayat said | This is perhaps a great piece of literary excellence. The writer is a very avid observer and has understood literally everything very carefully before putting the pen to it. It's so so true I bear witness to the literary merit of the scribe. Not a lot of readers might realise it has been written by a woman not definitely pashtoon. Ideal classism of a true loved and romanticist. |
Imran hayat said | The writer is a non pashtoon female romanticist lover and Wordsworth. Excellent literary piece. |
Safa Yousafzai said | Haters gonna hate and we r never gonna care abt it... :3 *Proud To Be Pshtoon* <3 |
Haider Shah said | Reflecting the nature of Pashtuns in words is very difficult but despite of this, i really admire it that a Pashtun is lover rather than terrorist... |
Farina said | I m not a pakhtun but this article is so brilliant in every way |
Atif said | And article written by Pashtun :D |
M A Rehman Ghauri said | Com'n Venassa Khan.If u r so passionate about Pakhtun.Marry Me I am here to give u every thing....#Just Chilling |
Abdul Hafeez said | Plz delete comment #10. Thanx |
Abdul Hafeez said | Delete comment #10. |
Waqas khan said | Only 3 or 4 points may be true in this article. However, this ia veryvery good marketing strategy is good. point numbernumber 14. Pakhtun will share anything praise them for something. |
Noname said | Call a spade a spade? Ok, how many people will feel at ease when their wife/sister goes to a pushtoon shop? You know they won't get any respect and also they will be stared at most disgustingly. They kill their own brother for a one rupee dispute, they kill their women for a slight slip of the burqa, they are hyper, posessive, narcissists, think of themselves as God's chosen angel on Earth. \Go to any mall run by phatans in Lahore or Karachi or other city. See how they behave with people especially ladies. |
Tamina khan said | Punjabi's are jealous of pathans cos of their striking beauty and bravery. |
Fazli Karam Yousafzai said | Proud to be a Pakhtoon ! The history of is full of their bravery, hospitality and pride over their culture. The nation that sacrifice and sacrificed for their beloved country,PAKISTAN. |
Ruaid khan Afridi said | So start Dating today.. Never miss ur chance.. 0096893950844 whatsapp |
Kashmiri Sher said | The cute little girl with blue-green eyes and jeweler isn't Pashtun, she's KASHMIRI from valley of Kashmir. Anyways i love Pukhtun women, i have lots of Pukhtun girlfriends :-) |
Saqib khattak said | Usually we just hear jokes about Pakhtuns/Pashtuns... I start reading this with a mind that some one will sarcastically be making fun of our LOVE life too. But hats off to the author.. I ended up being THANKFUL. |
Shahjani said | Pashto wordings for kiss is khukul.khukhul means beautiful.when a pashtun say kiss me or kiss you.means make me beautiful or make you beautiful. There is no comparison for this in any society or culture.this is height of romance even in wordings too. |
Sajjad said | These all fects are true hahah proud to be pakhtun |
Asif Khushhal said | The ideas presented in this article are so true, Pashtuns are kind heart-ed and caring people and moreover i can see a lot of haters here who are just jealous of Pashtuns, hats off to the author... <3 |
Hafsa said | Very true about pakhtuns , love it , n love u pakhtuns mmuuwwaahh |
Hafsa said | Oh wow ' Very true about pakhtuns , love it , n love u pakhtuns mmuuwwaahh |
Dilnawaz said | Punjabi's are jealous from pathan. |
Danish said | We love pashtoons but they are not good fellows. racism is in their main problem. if you are in a company of two pashtoon friends then consider your self alone |
Asif said | Why racism. All Pakistanis are great people. |
Asif said | Why racism. all Pakistani people are great. the people commenting on race in this forum are definitely hindus using punjabi or pathan names. ignore these sick minded people and their comments. |
Abdullah Noonari said | Very nice piece of work so i am going to find a pakhtoon girl for a date . any pakhton send me a contact number of a pakhtoon girl damn u |
Sajjad Gul said | KASHMIRI Sher , ask from ur grands that who took freedom for u, ur sister, mother, father and brother.......if u did it , I swear u will change ur mind and will comment like a true man again...we have history for 14 thousand years back...we were never ruled and will be never and ever.....we have respect for every one , very one's mother, daughter and sister...coz we can't compromise on ours.....we will change the world one day ...if ur not agree just study the predictions of our great leader and teacher MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) |
Khan said | U forget to mention Pathans are religious too |
Gege said | Well you all haters are jealous punjo guys and muhajars who are talking against pashtun because of their own inferiority complex. man if you hate yourself so much then blame your parent not us. that's the reason i hate pakistan now, because all of these low life are so jealous because of our rich tradition, culture , history , literature. culture less idiots |
Fatima iftikhar said | Well I am married to a pakhtun and I agree no one can love be loyal n all of that one wants ore then a pakhtun |
Fatima iftikhar said | Well I am married to a pakhtun and I admit now one can love, care, respect and keep promises as pakhtun does. |
Sajjad said | At last someone is praising pushtuns.....although there are many haters,,,jealous people...talking against pushtuns in media and social media.... i think they are all in inferiority complexity.... |
Sajjad aslam said | That is 100% true..very nice.. |
Wahid ullah said | Salaam...to all..Pakistanis,,,,i just want to say that ..Malalai said that pakhtun are not pakistani..how you can say that MALALAi..pakhtun love pakistan..livein pakistan,and fight for pakistan,, that why you are saying that.......mjy afsoos howa ap k comments daik kar....ye article pakhtun k khubio pai likhi hai,,,jo tek b ho sakty hai awr ghalat b ..par is tarah k comment nai karna chahye...wasalaaam |
Jawad said | Hey guys . Cool down I would say before judging someone try to know them. If u say phatans are not Pakistani search back pak war history and see what they have done for Pakistan. Afridi is a phtan and the bookie remark about him was . Everyone can be bought but u can't buy afridi in Pakistani team. Ok do u know swat valley . There was a war. Government. Order to leave . Phatan left there places. For. A menace imposed on them from outside . They agreed with the government. The for army experimented. And it was a success . Phatans suffered . Phatans were not allowed to enter Punjab or Sindhi. That proved how Pakistani. Your govrment is. People in swat do fast with the federal govrment . They have differences with each other it's a basic part of their lifestyle . They wl have differences for ever . Search in the whole world . U wl see some phatans Working in hospitals . Offices , embassies around the world. And do you know the fourth language spoken is space is Pashtun. Please if you don't know us. Don't judge us . Know us first then judge us. Good and bad is everywhere in every society . Thanks. Pakistan. Zindabad. |
Thank you for your Kind words for a race so hated by other Pakistani’s !
Now I can proudly move mountains for you in return of your kind words !
Wow can’t wait to share hats off boss.
GOD who has written these alllll? they are so true about Pashtuns love it!!!!!!!
What a load of bullshit.
Think this list wins.
oh God i am feeling it…. proud Pukhtoon….
This is what the emotion of a pukhtoon is purely explain, thanks to the writer for this outstanding piece, cant stop my self to share it…..!! Respect and love <3
Delete this load of bull-shit. You don’t know anything about us pukhtoons.
@Abbas. My brother all Pakistani ethnicites LOVE their Pushtoon brother! As a Punjabi i salute the bravery and kind heartedness of my Pushtoon brothers. Arguably the most handsome race in the SubContinent.
not any more,,,! They are kinda materialistic people
Thankyou very much for the kind words you used for us Pakhtoons. Good and bad people are everywhere and are in every race. For those who are not having soft spot for us Pakhtoons must have bad experience with Pakhtoons and I am sorry for that. And I hope you meet real good Pakhtoon to broaden your mind. Thanks again to the author
We dont need any admiration,thanks
We are nature people,nt artificial
I don’t Know that this is true about Pukhtoons or not? But its True that Pukhtoon Hate each other can’t b unite.
Everyone praising and finding logic in all this bullshit is pukhtoon him/herself………… self praise
thnx alo……………ot for alll this <3
Proud to be pakhtun being handsome race in Pakistan. ☺☺
bhai aap hama asli photu b lga sakta tha..pakhtun ka..
Hahahahahha THEY ARE SO TRUE!! EVERYTHING!! (sorry for shouting) lol
I am not saying they date or not, it is up to each individual but these points about pushtoons are SO true.
Attock patanz have the most honour
This is bullshit. I am from attock pakistan. We dont date skets. We marry strangers. This is full on insulting
thank you so much…. reality 100%
i hate it when they say oppar say hum bhie PATHAN tay , and there are so many pathans
Pukhtoons will never be Pakistani. They will always and forever be Afghan. Everyone knows this, despite those who are trying to change it. And that is why they are discriminated and hated so much by the Pakistani government and people.
The most deluded, juice less people and a community full of goofs……each time you talk to them, they’ll talk abt them…:P
Pathetic ….They need to grow up little and start looking at their men and women closely who aint attractive when no imran khan and Madhu Bala are in mind …
Mind you, the widely accepted standards all over the world for cool men are ‘tall , dark and handsome’ and unfortunately pathans have ‘pale white complexion’, below avg. heights and non sense deluded attitude. Men with such creamy complexion are ughhhh.
On other hand, punjabi boys are far far better than them, height wise, looks wise and above all they are not cheap and stupid.
Niazi men (Siraiki belt) from Mianwali are well build and good looking men…..otherwise rest of them are bunch of deluded people praising them selves all the time each minute.
Plz grow up and come out of your well to see how funny you sound when you dont see comparisons beyond your imaginations
yukhhhh… they have absolutely feminine complexions and faces …
khuda ka khof karo.
the STUFF is about ‘PATHANS’
the commenters are ‘PATHANS’
Good…keep it up :P, thats what you do at your best even in daily life
All this is so not true. I had been in a relationship for 2.5 years and they r the biggest bull shitters and completely opposite of everypoint u have wrote except they being hot. They use their hotness to exploit u and ruine you financial and even then tear ur heart apart miserably. The most unsincere and cunning personality ever and they dont have self concious at all
The hate Pakhtuns receive especially from inferiority complexed punjabis and Karachi muhajirs is disgusting. Envy can be a terrible thing and that is what the state of Pakistan has against the Pakhtuns, who are a truly noble and generous people. I have had interactions with many at university in the US and compared to other Pakistanis, they truly were more pleasant to talk to and had less hangups. I look forward to the day when Kashmir, Pakhtunistan, and Baluchistan is free from the oppressive rule of Pakistan. Carry on my friends.
Now a punjabis will talk about pashtuns, you punjabis should look at yourselves, as we have ruled you, We fought against mughals, the mughals were originally turks, so turks ruled you people, but those people could not rule pashtuns, Ahmad shah abdali, ibrahim lodhi,Mohammad Ghori,Muhammad Khilji,Jalaluddin Khilji ,Behlol Lodhi, Sikandar Lodi all pashtuns/afghans, even your saints/sufiz are aghan pashtuns, like Daata Ganj Bakhsh was afghan, bayazid ansari, pir roshan, shalbandi,
we kicked british, we kicked russia, and again we are kicking america, what have you people done, who ever came to india ruled you, you were slaves. Search and Learn.
Well, being a pathan i would like to add some points, that beside feminine complexion, goof attitude,
The whole world are proud of our
braveness, hospitality, traditions, culture..
I wanted you all to be united!
Gheebat aur aik dusray k baray mai bolnay sai kuch nai milayga!
Keep calm and respect.
Someone commented that Pakhtuns are hated in Pakistan, that is a load of crap. Pakhtuns are proud member of the Pakistan clan.
And also the biggest hypocrites! The guys will date as many girls as they want and raise hell if their sister dates someone! Please tell me I’m wrong xD
Not to mention the biggest hypocrites! The guys will date as many girls as they want but raise hell if their sister dates someone! Please tell me I’m wrong xD
its just an opinion not so true. what about killing of own family for girl or money. Pashtun can do anything for girl or money
This is perhaps a great piece of literary excellence. The writer is a very avid observer and has understood literally everything very carefully before putting the pen to it. It’s so so true I bear witness to the literary merit of the scribe. Not a lot of readers might realise it has been written by a woman not definitely pashtoon. Ideal classism of a true loved and romanticist.
The writer is a non pashtoon female romanticist lover and Wordsworth. Excellent literary piece.
Haters gonna hate and we r never gonna care abt it… :3 *Proud To Be Pshtoon* <3
Reflecting the nature of Pashtuns in words is very difficult but despite of this, i really admire it that a Pashtun is lover rather than terrorist…
I m not a pakhtun but this article is so brilliant in every way
and article written by Pashtun
Com’n Venassa Khan.If u r so passionate about Pakhtun.Marry Me I am here to give u every thing….#Just Chilling
Plz delete comment #10. Thanx
Delete comment #10.
only 3 or 4 points may be true in this article. However, this ia veryvery good marketing strategy is good. point numbernumber 14. Pakhtun will share anything praise them for something.
Call a spade a spade? Ok, how many people will feel at ease when their wife/sister goes to a pushtoon shop? You know they won’t get any respect and also they will be stared at most disgustingly. They kill their own brother for a one rupee dispute, they kill their women for a slight slip of the burqa, they are hyper, posessive, narcissists, think of themselves as God’s chosen angel on Earth. \Go to any mall run by phatans in Lahore or Karachi or other city. See how they behave with people especially ladies.
Punjabi’s are jealous of pathans cos of their striking beauty and bravery.
Proud to be a Pakhtoon ! The history of is full of their bravery, hospitality and pride over their culture. The nation that sacrifice and sacrificed for their beloved country,PAKISTAN.
So start Dating today..
Never miss ur chance..
0096893950844 whatsapp
The cute little girl with blue-green eyes and jeweler isn’t Pashtun, she’s KASHMIRI from valley of Kashmir.
Anyways i love Pukhtun women, i have lots of Pukhtun girlfriends
Usually we just hear jokes about Pakhtuns/Pashtuns…
I start reading this with a mind that some one will sarcastically be making fun of our LOVE life too. But hats off to the author.. I ended up being THANKFUL.
Pashto wordings for kiss is khukul.khukhul means beautiful.when a pashtun say kiss me or kiss you.means make me beautiful or make you beautiful. There is no comparison for this in any society or culture.this is height of romance even in wordings too.
these all fects are true hahah proud to be pakhtun
The ideas presented in this article are so true, Pashtuns are kind heart-ed and caring people and moreover i can see a lot of haters here who are just jealous of Pashtuns, hats off to the author… <3
Very true about pakhtuns , love it , n love u pakhtuns mmuuwwaahh
Oh wow ‘ Very true about pakhtuns , love it , n love u pakhtuns mmuuwwaahh
Punjabi’s are jealous from pathan.
We love pashtoons but they are not good fellows. racism is in their main problem. if you are in a company of two pashtoon friends then consider your self alone
Why racism. All Pakistanis are great people.
why racism. all Pakistani people are great. the people commenting on race in this forum are definitely hindus using punjabi or pathan names. ignore these sick minded people and their comments.
very nice piece of work
so i am going to find a pakhtoon girl for a date .
any pakhton send me a contact number of a pakhtoon girl
damn u
KASHMIRI Sher , ask from ur grands that who took freedom for u, ur sister, mother, father and brother…….if u did it , I swear u will change ur mind and will comment like a true man again…we have history for 14 thousand years back…we were never ruled and will be never and ever…..we have respect for every one , very one’s mother, daughter and sister…coz we can’t compromise on ours…..we will change the world one day …if ur not agree just study the predictions of our great leader and teacher MUHAMMAD (S.A.W)
U forget to mention Pathans are religious too
well you all haters are jealous punjo guys and muhajars who are talking against pashtun because of their own inferiority complex. man if you hate yourself so much then blame your parent not us.
that’s the reason i hate pakistan now, because all of these low life are so jealous because of our rich tradition, culture , history , literature. culture less idiots
well I am married to a pakhtun and I agree no one can love be loyal n all of that one wants ore then a pakhtun
well I am married to a pakhtun and I admit now one can love, care, respect and keep promises as pakhtun does.
at last someone is praising pushtuns…..although there are many haters,,,jealous people…talking against pushtuns in media and social media…. i think they are all in inferiority complexity….
that is 100% true..very nice..
salaam…to all..Pakistanis,,,,i just want to say that ..Malalai said that pakhtun are not pakistani..how you can say that MALALAi..pakhtun love pakistan..livein pakistan,and fight for pakistan,, that why you are saying that…….mjy afsoos howa ap k comments daik kar….ye article pakhtun k khubio pai likhi hai,,,jo tek b ho sakty hai awr ghalat b ..par is tarah k comment nai karna chahye…wasalaaam
Hey guys . Cool down I would say before judging someone try to know them. If u say phatans are not Pakistani search back pak war history and see what they have done for Pakistan. Afridi is a phtan and the bookie remark about him was . Everyone can be bought but u can’t buy afridi in Pakistani team. Ok do u know swat valley . There was a war. Government. Order to leave . Phatan left there places. For. A menace imposed on them from outside . They agreed with the government. The for army experimented. And it was a success . Phatans suffered . Phatans were not allowed to enter Punjab or Sindhi. That proved how Pakistani. Your govrment is. People in swat do fast with the federal govrment . They have differences with each other it’s a basic part of their lifestyle . They wl have differences for ever . Search in the whole world . U wl see some phatans Working in hospitals . Offices , embassies around the world. And do you know the fourth language spoken is space is Pashtun. Please if you don’t know us. Don’t judge us . Know us first then judge us. Good and bad is everywhere in every society . Thanks. Pakistan. Zindabad.