We have our own ideals of beauty. To an average Pakistani, a fair and slim girl is the ultimate diva, and a tall, dark and handsome guy is the most appealing man for many.
Fat is beautiful! Fat is fun! Fat is sexy! Fat is everything slim and skinny could never have - literally!
Here are 13 reasons you would be lucky to marry a fat person!
1. They are not very conscious about their physical appearance.
They know they are fat and won’t bore you with questions like: “Do I look fat?”
2. They don’t judge you on your physical appearance.
They focus more on intellect, personality and sense humour.
3. You can have FOOD-athons with them!
Because they will never order a salad as main meal!
4. They are thick-skinned. They can take criticism well.
Because they have had to deal with a lot of negative comments about their weight, they know how to deal with criticism.
5. They are warm and cosy!
Cuddle up to them and you need no blanket or heater in the winters!
6. They will make sure you eat well and will never judge you based on how much you eat!
7. You can both be lazy together. Watch movies and snuggle all weekend!
8. They can come to your rescue, and literally block anyone from getting to you!
You don’t have to be their Ninja! They’ve got their own back and yours too!
9. They make the best cuddlers!
Oh, sooooo SOFT!