13 Things That Happen At A Pakistani Bakra Mandi

Pakistani bakra mandis are getting bigger and better every year. Thousands of people visit mandis every day and many people wonder why. Well, here is what happens at a Pakistani mandi:
1. There are animals! A LOT of them! EVERYWHERE!
2. Some animals are only interested in the food! Give them food and they will be just fine!
3. Some people visit the mandi just to see the animals. They don’t want to buy an animal but they are there to have fun
4. Bakra walas come after you and force you to buy their (better-than-any-other) animal
5. Some bakra walas and gaye walas tell you their dukh bhari dastaan just because they want you to buy their bakras and gaye!
6. Some bakra walas and gaye walas dress their animals like brides!