13 Things That Happen When You Get Sick
Published: Nov 19, 2024

Getting sick, sucks. You go through all sorts of mood swings and can’t enjoy anything. The weather is changing and this change in weather often welcomes different viral infections and people get sick.

Here are 13 things that happen when you get sick:

1. You swear never to take breathing normally for granted again.

2. You spend your nights tossing and turning.

When you lie down, your nose is stuffy when you wake up it’s gone.


3. You run out of tissue boxes in one day

Source: Giphy

4. Your hands and feet get really really cold - ALL THE TIME.

Source: Giphy

5. All your food tastes exactly the same because you can’t really taste anything.

Source: Giphy

6. But all you can really have is chicken soup, adrak wali chai or something really hot to drink

Source: Tumblr

7. Because swallowing food becomes painful.

Source: Tumblr

8. Your eyes burn and start to tear up at random times

Source: Tumblr

9. You sneeze or cough unexpectedly in people’s faces

Source: Giphy

10. No one recognises your hoarse voice on the phone

Source: Giphy

11. You may look like you are fine on the outside but inside you are dying.

Source: Giphy

12. You feel really really lazy and don’t feel like doing any work no matter what.

sick flu parks and recreation drunk parks and rec
Source: Giphy

13. And people stay an extra mile away from you so they don’t get sick too.

Source: Giphy

How many of these things are true for you when you’re sick?