13 Things You Can Relate To If You Are A Young Parent
Published: Oct 22, 2024
Parenthood is a roller-coaster ride and it has even more ups and downs when you are young. But, it’s a ride definitely worth taking. There will be lots of screaming, crying, pooping and throwing up but you’ll always find yourself doing it all over again without any regret. Here are 13 things that will happen when you become a young parent:
1. You experience what it’s like to be excited and terrified at the same time.
2. You think of all the things that could go wrong. You have nightmares about rolling over the baby in your sleep. So you make a conscious effort to roll the other way.
3. You are told in a complimenting and not-so-complimenting way that, “you look SO young to be a mother/father”. A lot.
4. You hear too much of, “don’t spoil the baby - don’t hold him/her too much, don’t feed too much, don’t feed too little, don’t cuddle too much, don’t be so distant, don’t be so protective give them their space, don’t be so lenient they can be creative with discipline, don’t discipline too much, and lastly, don’t discipline so much.” WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!?
5. People will tell you their own opinions about what and when to give your baby food.

And you’re like:
6. And they will bombard you with a million other unwanted pieces of advice.
And you will tell try to tell them to:
7. People are quick to judge that you won’t be able to follow your dreams now that you have a child.
And you’re like: