Going on a first date is always exciting. You wait impatiently for this day and when it’s finally here you can’t control the butterflies in your tummy. The thought of meeting that special person keeps you awake all night. Here are 13 thoughts every Pakistani has on their first date
1. OMG! I can’t believe this is finally happening!!
I am so excited.
2. What should I wear?
“Mere pass tu kaprey hi nahi hain.”
3. I just have to look awesome today. After all it’s my first date!
4. Will they come? I hope they do
Pagal tu nahi bana rahi mujy?
5. But what if they are nothing like their Facebook profile picture?
Then I will just walk away…
6. Should I buy a gift for them?
7. Wait, why should I buy a gift? Do I really like them?
8. What if they don’t like me back?
GOD, don’t let this happen to me!
9. Should I flirt with them?
10. Or should I try to impress them just with my smile?
11. Should I tell them that this is my first date?
Aj kal kon kisi ki sharaft per yaqeen karta hai