Want to lose weight but don’t have the money or time for a gym membership? No problem. You can lose weight by changing your life style just a tad bit and following any one of these habits religiously:
1. Drink LOTS of water
Drinking up to 3 - 4 liters of water will keep you feeling full and will in turn lower the amount of food you eat.
2. Take the stairs
If you work in a place where they have lifts, opt for the stairs. It’s not a workout but will promote weight loss.
3. Eat more fruit
We end up having a lot of unhealthy, empty calories such as chips and biscuits. Have fruits instead, they’re less in calories and packed full of nutrients and fiber
4. Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals won’t make you lose weight, instead your body will start storing food because you aren’t eating enough of it - which means you’re storing fat!!!
5. Get a whole 8 hours of sleep
Lack of sleep impacts your hunger making you more hungry and prone to eating more food and junk. So SLEEP!
6. Drink green tea
Green tea raises your metabolism which helps you digest food more faster. But it also dehydrates you, so make sure you are drinking lots of water on the side too!
7. Cut down on sugar
Find alternatives to sugar such as fruit.
8. Eat in a smaller plates
Eating in smaller plates will make you eat smaller portions and makes you feel like you’re eating more
9. Stretches
Doing simple stretches throughout the day will make your muscles firmer and more active.
10. Cut out fizzy drinks
Carbonated drinks, yes, even diet drinks, are extremely unhealthy and fattening. Even when you split a drink - you are drinking PURE SUGAR!
11. Eat oatmeal for breakfast
Oatmeal is one of the most healthiest foods you can eat, and the best part is, it will keep you full throughout the day! Be sure to have a bowl every morning - unsweetened.
12. Make active friends
Active friends will keep you active. Be part of a cricket team, a football team or on a swim team! Doing something active with a group of friends will make ‘working out’ less of a work out and more of a party!
13. Chew slowly
Chewing your food slowly will make your body fill up faster. We don’t realise how full we are till 20 minutes after finishing our meal. So chew slowly, eat with patience and don’t rush about how much you want to eat.