So many things are said to be told by the eyes. It’s believed that they’re the window into the soul and say a lot about your personality! Why not make your personality pop by adding some eyeliner? Here are 14 eye-opening ideas to get you started!
1. Rimming the Waterline
No tears will be shed over this look!
2. Tight-lining
This look is known as ‘invisible eyeliner.’
3. Drop Eye
Add liner to half of your lower lid, for this jaw-dropping look
4. Colored Eyeliner
Accent your eyes with color!
5. Thin Line
Add a thin line to accent your natural beauty!
6. White Eye
Add some light under your eyes!
7. Winged Eye
Let your eyes take flight!
8. Two-toned Winged Eyeliner
Give your wings some colour!
9. Vintage Triple Wing
Give your wings a vintage look!
10. Scotch Tape
Stop liner from running!
11. Upside Down Cat Eye
Flip a fave!
12. Scalloped Eyes
Stencil in the scalloped look.
13. Modern Egyptian
Get creative!
14. Confetti Eye
Prep your eyes to party!
The original version of this post can be found here.