14 Struggles Only Girls With Long Hair Will Understand

Having long silky sexy hair is every girl’s dream. And it’s not just women, even men are drawn to those luscious long locks. However, it’s not easy to carry long hair all the time. Here are 14 struggles girls with long hair go through:
1. You hate it when people ask you,
2. And then they try to touch your hair saying “how did you get it so long?”
3. It’s a nightmare to leave your house without a hair tie/clip
4. Your hair gets stuck in everything. EVERYTHING!
You name it; sunglasses, zips, bags, car windows, seat belts, scarfs, cupboard locks and so on!
5. And removing your headphones safely is a dangerous game
6. Drying, curling, straightening your hair is a work out on its own
7. Your bun always gets messy and looks like a small nest on the top of your head
8. Washing all that hair is a real life struggle and brushing it out takes even longer
I have biceps that can make Hulk jealous.
9. Every single drop of your shampoo and conditioner is valuable even if you buy all that in bulk
10. Split ends are the bane of your existence
11. Wind is your arch enemy that ALWAYS wins! :'(
I mean - it slaps me with my own hair!!