14 Subtle Ways To Let Your Crush Know You Like Them
Published: Feb 11, 2025

Have a crush and want them to like you? It ain’t going to happen. You need to take the first steps to let them know you like them. Here are some subtle ways to let your crush know you like them:

1. Talk to them

If you havent done this please freaking start! Don’t be scared just go for it say Hi! Make them know you exist!


2. Touch them

I’m not saying grope them or invade their personal space but a light tap on the soldier giving them high fives when they say a funny joke. Touching someone is a subconcious way of letting them know you’re attracted to them. Here is an example of what not to do:


3. laugh at their jokes

Laughing creates a positive environment which is the type of environment you want with them


4. Help them

If they’re having a problem with anything try and help them out. It’ll show you care.


5. Ask for their number

Don’t get it through someone else or wait for them to give it to you, just take their number.


6. Compliments

Don’t shower them with compliments but notice something about them that they’re doing differently, could be the way they dress or a new bracelet. Let them know you’re noticing them


7. Make an effort to be around them

If they play in a band, do charity work join them. If they see you around a lot and you’re in their life a lot it’ll be easier for you to transition from friend to more than friends.


8. Social media

Write on their wall/ twitter or Instagram. Write something that’ll make them laugh or something that will remind them of you.


9. Get a wing-man

Get a friend to talk about you or tell a funny story about you to your crush, you can gauge their reaction. It’ll get them to think about you when you’re not there and maybe your friend can tell them an awesome story about you


10. Smiling

when you see them smile at them and maintain eye contact, don’t be creepy and stare but just look for a few seconds. Let them know you’re happy to see her/him


11. Give them something they want

No! Don’t buy them a car, but find out about something they’re interested in and give them that, it could be concert tickets, a book by their favourite author even food that they love to eat. It shows you’re being thoughtful and thinking about them


12. Text them

Send them random text throughout the day, get them to think about you when you’re not there. This way you’ll always be on their mind and them thinking about you is a good thing.


13. Take them out

Take them to a new play or show. Don’t take them out for food, do something different and interesting something that will set you apart.


14. Tell them

By the end of everything they should know how you feel about them. This will give a clear sign whether they feel the same way about you or not.


These tips will help but they won’t always work. They will however let you know whether you crush is willing to give you a chance or not. If he/she doesn’t reciprocate or