“What do you mean you don’t like sports? Are you out of your mind?” “Then what do you do on the weekends?” “May be you haven’t found the right one; you should try and attend a good sports event”, and the list goes on. If you are like me and you don’t like sports, you must have been through a barrage of similar questions.
Here is a list of 14 things only a person who hates sports can understand.
1. Firstly, no one ever believes you when you say you just aren’t interested in sports…
2. You are confused with the never ending rules of the various games out there
What the hell is going on?
3. You are clueless when someone asks you about the score
4. Because it’s hard to remember the score after every wicket or goal - I mean, there are so many goddamn numbers!!
5. You don’t understand the logic of spending money on a cricket match when you could easily watch it on TV!
6. You don’t get why people take a day off to watch a match
7. Or when they stay awake all night just to watch their favourite game
8. During special sporting events you are the most inactive person on social media
What should I write? Hmm…
9. While all your friends are excited about match screenings, you think of how it is just an utter waste of time
10. You prefer watching ANY other channel. You don’t even understand why you have 5 sports channels… I mean… really… one was enough
11. You are the only one in the family sleeping during an ‘important game’
12. You know that match-time is the best time to go for a long drive because the roads will be empty
13. It’s a breath of fresh air when you meet someone who doesn’t like sports as well
14. And during all that unnecessary drama, all you can say is,