14 Things Only An OUTSPOKEN Desi Girl Will Understand
Published: Apr 15, 2024

Being a desi girl calls for a lot of responsibilities. You are the ambassador of your Khandan’s izzat. All your actions and words can be taken against you. If you are a young desi woman who is outspoken, chances are your life is not easy. Here’s what all the outspoken desi girls can relate to:

1. You are often labeled as “tez” and “batameez” by your elders.

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2. Your colleagues know you can say anything anytime and therefore they maintain a distance from you.

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3. You are often asked to watch your language when in public.

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4. “Larkiyan aise bat nahi karti” - You have heard this a million times.

Source: Giphy

5. Just because you are not a people-pleaser, people hate you.


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6. People who do not know you well, think you are rude and have an attitude.

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7. All the uncles and aunties of your family have told your parents that your friends are to be blamed for your loud mouth.

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8. Just because you have strong opinions, you are intimidating for a lot of people.

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9. The aunties often tell you that if you don’t watch your tongue, you are going to have a hard time when you get married.

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10. You’re feared and loved at the same time.

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11. Most of your relatives think you are a bad girl.

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12. You are asked to keep your opinions to yourself.

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13. If you don’t like someone, you make sure they know it. Even if it’s one of your rishtedars.

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14. Most people think you will die alone because who wants to be with a woman who speaks her heart and mind.

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You are a rockstar and you don’t need people’s approval. Enjoy your life!