14 Things Only People Who Are Always Late Will Understand!
Published: Oct 14, 2024

They say “better late than never” but why do they hate us for being late? Shouldn’t they be happy that we finally made it?

Here’s a list of things only people who are always late will understand:

1. You are ALWAYS late, no exceptions whatsoever!

Source: Gifsgallery

2. Your friends and family know you to be the forever LATE LATEEF

Source: Gifsoup

3. If they want you to reach somewhere on time, they will always ask you to get there at least 30 minutes before the actual time but you know all their tactics!

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4. You have the world’s best excuses for being late

source: Gifsgallery

5. But sometimes people lose their temper and everything goes wrong


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6. Waking up in the morning is the most difficult task for you!

Source: Giphy

7. Snooze button is your best friend

Source: Gifsgallery

8. You set multiple alarms to wake up on time but you still wake up at the last minute

Soucre: Tumblr

9. You have always been the last person to enter the classroom

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10. You have missed trains, planes, important appointments and everything that is on time!

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11. “On my way” actually means you will get your lazy ass up now to dressed and will leave in an hour

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12. When you really want to reach somewhere on time, you give yourself extra time for preparation

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13. BUT YOU STILL GET LATE and you don’t understand how that can possibly happen

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14. When you manage to reach only 5 minutes late you think you deserve a medal!

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We simply can’t do anything on time and we know we can’t change that about ourselves! We need help…