14 Things Only Tall People Can Relate To

You may look at someone taller than you and think man life would be awesome if I was that tall.. well these pictures will prove otherwise:
1. When you try to check yourself out in the mirror

2. You’re tired of this damn questions

3. Showering hurts your knees from all the squatting

4. You have to watch where you’re going at all times

5. Especially at home

6. While choosing shirts you could only pick two from the tiny triangle below

7. You’re always the person to call to get something high up

8. You’ll never be the short person in a relationship

9. Buying pants sucked

10. Beds were never your size

11. Hugs are always awkward

12. Sitting next to a window in an aeroplane never mattered

13. Bathroom stalls should have been made higher

14. The worst is talking to your friends who’re really short