If you’re like me you love sleep. Actually let’s be honest if you are a human being, chances are you probably adore sleep as much as I do, you want to marry sleep and have little baby naps with it, and then make those little baby naps grow into full blown sleep cycles… God, I love sleep. Any who, if you’re like me then chances are you can probably relate to these points:
1. You are in love with your bed
Honestly, your bed is one of the most precious, most favourite things you own. It’s not that soft but not that hard either. It’s jusssst right.
2. Waking up in the middle of the night is sometimes awesome because you realise you have so much more time to sleep!
3. Waking up in the morning is a torture
I don’t think there is anyone alive on this beautiful planet of ours who ‘likes’ waking up in the morning. And for those who call themselves morning people, there is something wrong with you by default.

4. You need at least 15 alarms to wake you up – the snooze button is your best friend
5. And even then, you’re still late because you wanted those extra 5 minutes of sleep on the toilet seat
6. You think about sleeping as soon as you head to school/work
7. You think about sleeping while you’re AT your work/school
8. Naps are your favourite past time
9. There aren’t many things that can disturb you once you’re sleeping.
10. You could fall asleep anytime anywhere.
Don’t believe me? Watch!
11. Dreams are a bonus!
12. If you wake up in the middle of a dream, you make sure you sleep again immediately in hopes of completing the dream
13. Sometimes the best Saturday night plan is staying at home and sleeping <3
14. Some call Clinomania (Excessive desire to stay in bed) a disorder - I call it a way of life.