14 Things That Happen When EVERYONE Around You is Getting Married!
Published: Jul 31, 2024

If you are a twenty-something, your Facebook News Feed has to be full of happy pictures of people either getting engaged or married. Your friends from school, your gang from college, your classmates from university and those who you know God-knows-how – everyone! EVERY FRIGGING ONE is getting engaged or married or honeymooning or having babies!!!

Single or committed – it is annoying to see everyone around you tie the knot while you sit there and scroll through your News Feed.

Here’s what happens when everyone around you is getting hitched:

1. Your Facebook News Feed looks like a Shaadi ki album.

You begin hating all the happy couple pictures raining on your Facebook!

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

2. Followed by the never ending congratulatory comments and TOO MANY likes – URGHH!

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3. You feel genuinely happy for some people that they finally found their better half!

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Source: Tumblr

4. For others you are like: “Is ki bhi shaadi hogyi!?”

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5. You contemplate whether delaying your marriage is the right thing to do or not

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6. You make sure that your parents do not get to know that all your school buds are married. You know why!

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Source: Tumblr

7. When your not-so-close friends invite you to their wedding, you are like: Will I have to invite ALL of these people to my wedding too?

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

8. When your close friends are getting married, you start saving because you know you have to get them a wedding gift and obviously buy new clothes for yourself!

Source: Giphy

9. You wonder how these people can afford big FAT weddings and exotic honeymoons when you are still trying to get through the month

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10. You wonder how your engagement party or your wedding day would be like!

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

11. While you dress up for one of the weddings, you wonder if your married friends will still have time to attend your wedding because you have no plans of getting married anytime soon.

Source: Giphy

12. If you are single, you are obviously jealous as hell!

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Source: Tumblr

13. If you have a partner, you wonder when things will fall in place for both of you.

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14. Once you see how the lives of your married friends have changed, you are like:

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Source: Tumblr

If everyone around you is getting married, you don’t have to do the same! Make wise decisions and marry only when you are ready for it!