14 Things You Can Relate To If Jinns Scare The Hell Out Of You!
Published: Dec 15, 2024

Are you scared of ghosts? Strange sounds at night bother you? Do you feel that someone is looking at you even when there is no one around? Don’t worry. You are not alone; many people are scared of ghosts.

Here are 14 things you can relate to if jinns scare the hell out of you:

1. All of your friends call you a ‘scaredy cat’, ‘darpoke’ and ‘phatoo’

Source: tumblr

2. You can’t listen to ghost stories and people insist on telling you anyway

Source: tumblr

3. You always hear strange sounds at night and get scared

Source: tumblr

4. Hiding under your pillow, bed cover or blanket is the safest place when you are scared


5. At night, you run to your bed after switching the lights off so can get under your blanky before you see a ghost

Source: reshareit

6. Going to pee alone at night scares you to death

Source: tumblr

7. You can’t sleep with your windows open, because you are convinced that someone is watching you through the window and might come in

Source: youthconnec

8. You think about ghosts and zombies and jinns so much that you start dreaming of them too!!


9. Dolls always freak you out (Thanks, Chucky)

Source: tumblr

10. Whenever you walk alone at night, you feel like someone is silently following you

Source: tumblr

11. And when you are alone at home, even the sound of a pin dropping gives you a minor heart attack

Source: bollypop

12. You never watch horror movies, and if someone forces you to watch them, you keep your eyes shut the entire time


13. You often hear someone call your name but when you turn back there is no one

Source: giphy

14. And God bless you if you see a white cloth at night


Just reading this post is giving you the creeps isn’t it?