Getting dumped or breaking up with a significant other is tough. You tend to feel inadequate, lonely and unloved.
If you want some tips on how to get over your ex faster read these:
Just stop, it’s not going to help. Nothing good is going to come out of going on their profile again.
2. Delete them off from your social media
Yeah if you can’t stop stalking them you have to delete them, the only reason you go on social media is to stalk them..which is pretty pathetic
3. Throw away everything that reminds you of them
You don’t need to be around things that remind you of them, it’ll just make you sad and think of the good times. Come on lets get rid of that junk and move on.
4. It’s natural to be sad
You’re going to feel sad, and thats alright don’t fight the feeling but don’t let it control you either.
5. Don’t dwell on what could have been
Don’t think about what you could have done different or what your significant other could have done differently. What’s done is done.
6. Accept it
It’s over now they’re not your significant other anymore. It’s time to accept that.
7. Vent out your feelings
Talk to your friends and family about how you’re feeling, you’d be surprised by how many people will be able to relate AND make you feel better
8. Write about what you’re feeling
Reread what you’ve written and find out what’s bothering you. It’s very therapeutic.
9. Remind yourself of the BAD times
When ever you think about them you only think about the good times. There were bad times too, focus on those more to move on.
10. Do things your ex wouldn’t want you to do
Whatever they didn’t want to see or do, go do it!
11. Keep yourself busy
Be it kickboxing, cooking, yoga or even zumba just stay physically active
12. Go out with friends
You won’t want to but just do it.
13. Improve yourself
Go on a diet, learn a new language, attain a new skill. Do something you’re good at to get some confidence.
14. Take care of yourself
Go for a massage, go eat at your favourite restaurant. Trear yourself you deserve it
Even though the sadness and heartbreak you’re feeling is natural, know that you are loved, have friends and family who love you and are a generally great person.