14 Things You Never Knew About FRIENDS
Published: Jun 20, 2024

Are you a Friends fan? I’m sure there isn’t a single person who isn’t. Here are some fun facts about the show that you never knew about:

1. The show premiered in September 1994

Source: people.com

2. Here’s the age of the cast on their first episode and the last one

Source: wittyfeed.com

3. Friends was originally going to be called Insomnia Cafe

4. Courtney Cox was actually like Monica and would often clean the dressing rooms

Source: tvguide.com

5. The show was always aired in front of a live audience except for cliffhangers

Source: asbury.edu

6. Chandler was thought to be gay at first

Source: newnownext.com

7. When Courtney cox got married everyone’s last name was changed to Arquette

8. The roll of Ross was made specifically for David Schwimmer

Source: telegraph.co.uk

9. The male cast all played video games between takes

Source: weheartit.com

10. Phoebe and Chandler were only meant to be supporting characters

Source: fufacts.com

11. Lisa Kudrow was scared of the duck.

Source: guff.com

12. Mathew Perry struggled with addiction during the show

Source: babelque.com

13. An average episode took five hours to film

Source: futopanda.wordpress.com

14. After filming the last scene in the last episode the cast and crew were each given a piece of the sidewalk from outside the Central Perk as a keepsake.

Source: celebsgocharity.org

Did you know these facts?