We previously posted about things you should do after a break up, here are somethings you should definitely NOT do after a break up.
Doing these things is gonna make your life worse:
1. Act like you aren’t hurt
It’s understandable to feel sad.. let it out. Just cry, you’ll feel better I promise
2. Stay in your room
Becoming a hermit isn’t going to make you feel better. Going out will
3. listen to sad songs
Really you’re going to listen to Adele right now? It’s NOT going to make you feel better
4. Blame everyone else
Playing the blame game never helped anyone and it won’t help you
5. Blame yourself
Blaming yourself isn’t going to help either
6. Go over old conversations
Going over old happy sappy conversations is going to only make you think of the good times. It’s good to reemember them but living in the past distracts you from the present which is where you need to live
7. Stay friends
Bad idea, trust me. Nothing good is going to come out of staying friends with your ex
8. Eat your feelings
We know you’re sad but finding comfort in food is going to upset you in the long run
9. Keep their things around you
Having things which remind you of them is going to trigger emotions relating to them. It’s better to get rid of those things than keep them.Wondering what to do with them? Use your imagination
10. Start dating someone right afterwards
You think it’ll help but you might end up hurting yourself or worse hurting someone else
11. Resort to drugs
You may want to forget everything and resort to drugs and alcohol but do you really want your happiness to depend on something else?
12. Repeat the same mistakes
Learn from this experience find out what went wrong with you or your significant other and don’t repeat them.