14 Types Of People You Shouldn’t Be This 14th August

Today is 14th August and of course as a Pakistani it is your DUTY. Yes, you read that right, your DUTY to celebrate. There are however some people who celebrate 14th August in a way that bothers other people. Those people are not only annoying but cause a ruckus wherever they go.
Here are the 14 types of people you shouldn’t be this 14th August
1. The guy who fires his gun in the air just for the hell of it
Where do you think the bullets go, moron?
2. The girls who won’t stop taking selfies
Narcissistic much?

3. The guy who stares at women like he’s never seen one before

4. The guy who is rude to children on the street
5. The guy who cat calls women
6. Motorcyclists who travel in packs not obeying the law
7. The people who don’t respect the traffic rules
8. The person who sleeps all day and doesn’t go out and celebrate
9. The person who will be Mr Patriotism on 14th August but will hate on Pakistan the rest of the year
10. The people who don’t pick up their Jhandian when they fall down
It’s very disrespectful
11. The person who goes shopping because of all the Azadi deals
12. Those fake patriotic people who lives abroad because “is mulk ka kuch nai ho sakta“
13. The person who is Uber patriotic on Snap chat and Instagram but doesn’t care about the country otherwise
Calm down guys