As we grow old, specifically once we cross 20, the way we see the world changes dramatically. But we are one helluva thick-skinned bad asses who after heroically facing failure after failure, rejections after rejections, disappointment after disappointment, are still in the game.
Because its life, stupid! Now check out the 15 life realizations you start admitting to only after crossing 20.
1. Some people are meant to be only in your heart and not in your life
2. Money will give some people opportunities that you’ll have to struggle for
Life is unfair damn!
3. Once you grow up you can do anything you like – statement is a lie
4. Your degree from college is probably useless
5. You still have no idea what to do for a career
6. Chai and cigarette is the new stress busting muntra
7. But then life actually ends up screwing everyone, only in different time in different ways
8. Being nice to bitchy people and learning to control your emotions is important because what goes around comes around (LOL!)
9. Hard work doesn’t always pay, there is a devil called ‘Luck’
10. Friends won’t always be there when you need them
Sometimes with strangers, you can tell them something that you couldn’t tell someone you know. Try it.
11. Job scenario
12. Relationship scenario
13. Shit happens, people change, and yet life moves on
All bad things come to an end.
14. Sometimes in life you have to settle with what you get
15. At the end – “A bruise is a lesson and each lesson makes us better.” So…..
Hell right!
The original version of this post can be found here.