15 Everyday Things We Never Knew Had Names
Published: Feb 28, 2025

We don’t know the names of a lot of things we come across everyday. Here are a few everyday things we never knew had names:

1. The table in the middle of the pizza box

2. The way it smells outside after rain

3. The day after tomorrow

4. The plastic coating on a shoelace


5. The outer part of the crust on a pizza

6. Silent letters in a word

7. The sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much

8. The feeling of having butterflies in your stomach

9. The space between your eyebrows

10. The dot over “i” and “j”

11. The infinity symbol

12. The handwriting that is not readable

13. The cry of a new born baby

14. A ketchup/condiment cup

15. The thing they use to measure your feet at the shoe store