15 Hilarious Ways Social Media Got Back At K-Electric For The Blackouts
Published: Jul 14, 2024

The city of lights experienced its fourth major power breakdown in one week. After the water crisis, gas shortage and load-shedding, Karachiities are becoming used to these consecutive power breakdowns. But social media is not about to let K-Electric off the hook so easy. Twitter and Facebook exploded with funny reactions; in each reaction you will see the 5 stages of grief of a Karachiite in pain; frustration, anger, sadness, depression and humour. Here are 15 of the funniest reactions on the Karachi blackout.

1. And once again

2. Moving towards stone age

3. Karachiites during sehri and iftar

4. Skyline view of Karachi

5. The dramatic moment

6. A mom’s take on the blackouts!

7. Natural reaction of load-shedding

8. When you dare to come to Karachi,

8. Load-shedding brings Pakistanis closer

9. ROFL!

10. This is what they should actually do!

11. Respected authorities, a gift from all Karachiites

12. Genuine reaction of every Pakistani

Source: Web Chutney

13. A new movie, courtesy of K-Electric

Source: Salman Parekh

14. Getting back at K-Electric - the Karachi way:

Source: Twitter @AntiJokesClown


15. Bitter reality

Source: Comics by Arslan