15 Lies Pakistani Parents Tell Their Children!
Published: Nov 25, 2024

Our parents teach us to be honest and we have all been punished for lying as children, but we know that our parents lie to us too. Here are some common lies that Pakistani parents tell their children:

1. This was our moms’ favourite lie!

2. When they tell a lie to ask us to tell them the truth

3. When they trick us into going to a family gathering

4. When they wake us up at 6am and say it is 7am.

5. The lie they told us every Eid until we were smart enough to know it was a lie

6. The double-standard lies they tell at the doctor’s

7. When they trick us into having cough syrup

8. We always fell for this one

9. When their lies were funnier than our faces

10. When they don’t want us to get addicted to chai

11. When they tell us how good they were

12. When they tell us we can choose our majors

13. When they lie to us about life… every year!

14. When they say this and trap us,

15. And this universal lie


Our parents are responsible for our trust issues - but we still trust them unconditionally! We may hate each one of these lies… but be sure, you will be using the same ones on your own children. Yup, It’s a cycle.