We have heard, umpteen times, how women (especially desi women) are BECHARIS and how society is cruel to them. We love and appreciate all the feminist posts and movements. We support women, and hope they keep raising their voices but do we ever focus on the other gender?
What about men?
We think men need all of that attention too, because they are BECHARAS too!
Here are 15 reasons why men are more BECHARA than women:
1. They don’t have a frigging movement in their name!
Feminists say feminism is a movement for gender equality. Then why not a term that has representation of both genders or why don’t we call it “Menism”
2. No one offers them help to carry their stuff
Men are expected to do all the heavy lifting and they are expected to do it with absolutely no complaints!
3. No one holds the door open for a man - NOT EVEN MEN!
Well, I do and you should too.
4. No one will allow a man to cut into a line but they will happily let a woman do the same.
5. “Real men don’t complain, they fix things.”
This idea where men are supposed to fix everything is retarded. He is a human and everything is not always in his control.
6. They are expected not to cry! EVER
Men CAN cry and they SHOULD cry whenever they want to!
7. They are not expected to express their feelings or emotions
8. Men are asked to climb up on top of the bus when there is no space in the bus or run as fast as he can to catch the bus. While women can stand in the middle of the road and buses will come to a complete halt!
9. They are supposed to “protect” their sisters and female friends.
Why? Who’s protecting the men?
10. “All men are the same”
There is no such thing. Stop stereotyping.
11. People don’t believe men when they say they were harassed.
Because a ‘big, strong guy would never be harassed’. Bullshit.
12. They are victims of domestic violence too, but do we trust them?
13. “Men are the breadwinners for the family”
Is he not a man enough if he likes to stay at home? Does he even have the option of being a stay at home father or a house husband? No.
14. They don’t enjoy special quotas
Women enjoy special quotas for admission in educational institutions and work places.
15. “Be a man!”
This hurts the most!
Stop victimising women all the time and see what your fellow men are going through on the other side!
Not all men are dogs, like not all women are bitches!
Shazia said | This is the most absurd and stupid article. The writer needs to just understand that women and men are two different entities and women are vulnerable and mostly go through being victimized. |
This is the most absurd and stupid article. The writer needs to just understand that women and men are two different entities and women are vulnerable and mostly go through being victimized.