As humans, our natural instinct is to hold ourselves in high regards. We think we are hard workers and good people. But what some of us don’t realise is that we are push overs too. You justify all the work you do and why you do it but at the end of the day you’re a bit of a push over. Can’t believe it? Check these 15 signs out to see if you really are a pushover or not:
1. You’re convinced really REALLY easily
“Hey lets do that thing you don’t want to!”
“Do we have to?”
2. To get you to do anything, all a person has to do is ask nicely
“Can you please help me wi..”
3. You want to be liked by EVERYONE
4. “Yeah”, “Sure” and “no problem” are the most frequently used words
5. You CAN’T say “NO”. You just can’t
6. If the waiter gets your order wrong you don’t send your food back. You’re just happy to have gotten your food. You will probably thank him for it and give him a tip too!
I hate fish but I’m sure it won’t be thaaat bad…