15 Things Only A Short-Tempered Person Can Identify With!
Published: Sep 24, 2024

Being short-tempered is not really your fault, my friend. You shall never feel bad about it and whoever makes you feel bad about it shall be PUNCHED right in the face!

Here’s a list of things only a short-tempered person can identify with:

1. It takes you a millisecond to get into your I-want-to-punch-someone-in-their-face mood!

Source: Giphy

2. You kill a million people in your head everyday!

Source: Giphy

3. You have a rich vocabulary of swear words

Source: Giphy

4. You use UPPERCASE to express your anger whilst texting!

Source: Tumblr

5. When someone asks you why are you angry:

Source: Tumblr

6. You feel like breaking and throwing things when ever you are angry

Source: Giphy

7. You have had really bad fights with people you love because of your anger

Source: tumblr

8. Your siblings and friends know what triggers your anger

Source: Giphy

9. However, you have no idea when your switch trips

Source: Giphy

10. Sometimes you are SO angry that you curl up in a corner and break into tears!

Source: tumblr

11. Nothing makes sense to you when you are angry!

Source: Giphy

12. You are the crankiest when you are sick

Source: Giphy

13. You binge-eat when you are angry!

Source: Giphy

14. There is always that one poor soul who bears your wrath!

Source: Tumblr

15. You can literally STARE someone to death

Source: Giphy

You may be short-tempered but you are good at heart and we love you for that!