15 Things Only People Who Have Never Been In A Relationship Will Understand
Published: Apr 5, 2024

Yes, they do exist. There are people who have never been in a relationship. If you are in your twenties and have never been a real relationship, here’s what you can totally relate to:

1. Some days you just love being single.

Source: Tumblr

2. Other days you actually wish you were in a real relationship with someone.

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3. You envy your friends who are in a real relationship.

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4. You HATE being the third wheel.

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5. And you hate it when your friends keep talking about their partners.


6. People often assume you are single because no one ever asked you out.

Source: Giphy

7. You hate it when people ask you why you are STILL single.

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8. Just because you have never been in a relationship doesn’t mean that you have never fallen for someone.

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9. And just because you have never been in a relationship doesn’t mean that you can’t give relationship advice.

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10. You hate it when your friends try to set you up with someone.

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11. You friends think you are single because you have high expectations.

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12. And you totally disagree!

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13. You love being independent.

Source: Giphy

14. But you would definitely love to have someone to share your life with.

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15. You often think you will never find your “someone special” and will die alone.

Source: Tumblr

You will definitely find love till then enjoy being single!