15 Things That Happen To You If You Are An UNMARRIED Girl In Your 20s
Published: Sep 22, 2024

Parents want their daughters to marry a Chand sa dulha and have her live happily ever after as soon as possible. They know they have to find their daughters a perfect beau from the day she comes in to this world but everything speeds up as she hits her 18th birthday! It’s not easy being a single woman!

Here’s what happens to you if you are an unmarried woman in your 20s:

1. According to your parents, all the problems in your life are because you are unmarried

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2. Your mom tells you how she had three babies when she was your age

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3. You have also heard that there won’t be any good proposals for you after you cross “the right age”

Source: Giphy

4. Your parents be like:

“Is there someone you like? Someone at work? A friend? Tell us and we won’t say anything!”

Source: Giphy

5. You are forced to see pictures of random guys every day (yes, I am gonnah exaggerate and say EVERYDAY)

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6. All your friends and colleagues are getting married or having babies

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7. Your parents want you to get married because all your friends are getting married

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8. People assume you have a boyfriend (even if you don’t)

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9. Or that there is something wrong with you!

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10. Rishta aunties are your worst enemies!

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11. You hate attending weddings because everyone asks you the same question,

“So, when are you getting married?”

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12. And some aunties eye you for their self-proclaimed handsome sons

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13. Your engaged/married friends try to convince you to get married because that’s the ‘best thing to do’

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14. All your rishtedars and neighbours think it is their ZEMEDAARI to find an “acha rishta” for you

Source: IndiaTimes

15. You have been told that you should focus on your LIFE instead of your career and/or your studies

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Despite everything you go through everyday, you DO want to get married but only when you are ready and not for any wrong reason!

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But until then, you will do whatever you want - study, work, party - WHATEVER YOU WANT!


And you are happy that you can go home and sleep like a baby because you don’t have to look after your husband

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It’s okay to wait for the right time, there’s no need to tie the knot just yet! It won’t be easy dealing with everyone around you but it’s going to be worth it!

Enjoy being unmarried, woman!