15 Things We Go Through When We Are Given A Group Project. Every. Single. Time.
Published: Sep 22, 2024

The bane of every student’s life is an ‘assignment’ and it’s even worse when you have to work in groups! Well… not all the time. Sometimes group projects can be fun, especially when you’re working with friends. But regardless of that, these group projects tend to get very messy, very quickly. If you have worked on a school/university/work group project, here are 15 things you will most-definitely be able to relate to:

1. You hate the fact that you can’t choose your own group members.


2. The group meetings that you never get anything out of.

Source: Giphy

3. There is always someone who is too busy work.

Source: Tumblr

4. You can never agree on one thing. Someone always has a problem with something.

Source: Tumblr

5. There is a lot of procrastinating. A LOT.
“Assignment next month due hai. Chill karo, yaar.”


6. Like that, you start working when there is just one week left.

Source: plus

7. And, there is a lot of disagreeing and shouting and fight and wanting to kill everyone.


8. There is always that member who thinks he’s a Know-it-all and wants everything his way.

Source: Tumblr

9. And there is always a freeloader in the group too.


10. There will be one person who is willing to do work but his/her work is so bad you have to do it all over again. So you really don’t know if you appreciate the enthusiasm or not…

Source: Imgur

11. This person is then assigned jobs like ‘bringing food’, ‘motivating people’ and spying on other groups.


12. Then there is one person who actually does the entire project.

Source: Tumblr

13. Everyone is freaking out the day before the assignment/project is due.


14. On the day of submission, you feel like you’ve just slayed a monster.


15. When you actually get a passing grade, you are like:

Source: Tumblr

EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And we still don’t learn… sigh.