15 Things You Can Relate To If You’re Much Younger Than Your Entire Family

Being the youngest in your family is awesome, you’re spoilt and loved by everyone. But being the youngest in your entire family is kinda weird and not as fun as it seems.
Here’s why:
1. Even if you’re old enough to have babies, you’re still called the baby of the family
2. You never had anyone your age to play with
3. You learnt how to have fun by your self
4. You could never relate to your friends having cousin sleep overs because all your cousins have their own kids
5. At family dinners you’re too young to hang with the elders and too old to hang with the chotas
6. Whenever you became the topic of discussion it’s always about something embarrassing you did as a child
7. Nobody understands your sense of clothing
8. Nobody gets the references you make either
9. Relatives still think you’re in school even when you’re graduated and are working